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products of culture
At Narrativ.Design, we deliver breakthroughs over change in perception.
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Abhijit Das
4 min read
Aligning Cultural Resets through the great reshuffle
The alt. narratives point at a critical lapse of managing internal culture over communication remits.

Abhijit Das
4 min read
The GVC Narratives and Trade winds - A reset
GVC or Global Value Chains is like the world wide web of trade flows. Interconnections between countries and regions, their roles and...

Quynh Nguyen
5 min read
Cryptomarket & The Purest Form of Branding
Brands, a human’s creation to market their products in the marketplace, have existed for centuries. The interesting part is not how they...

Iqbal Ather Shamsi
5 min read
Technology didn’t fail your business. Your business decision did.
When traditional retail met technology, eCommerce was born. That’s one way to look at what’s eCommerce. It almost suggests that...

Niyam Bhushan
4 min read
Reset Covid with C.O.V.I.D
Yellow sun. Silver moon. White star. Black hole. Red dwarf. The universe is filled with celestial bodies. Until one fine day in March...

Niyam Bhushan
3 min read
Reset Education: We Don’t Need No Mute Control
You! Yes, you. It’s time. For a reset. More than 1,200 college campuses in the US shut down permanently within the last 5 years. Harvard...

Abhijit Das
5 min read
Reset Labels
When we call a thing by a name, it assumes a disposition. That disposition takes it upon itself to explain the way things are, as they...

Abhijit Das
4 min read
Is pushing through the pandemic resetting our sense of nearness?
If your friends, colleagues or relatives thought of you as ‘socially distanced’ before the ‘social distancing’ times and you accepted it,...

Abhijit Das
4 min read
Where is the value?
If value is always fleeting, forming and decaying; what is the real question to ask about ‘value’? What is value? How do you measure it?...